237 NPLH



“Catch Me On The Stoop”

237 NPLH Catch Me On The Stoop.  Where we bring the stoop conversation, debates and laughs to your homes, computers, mobile phones and tv’s.

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Welcome to 237 No Place Like Home. Where we bring the stoop conversation, debates and laughs to your homes, computers, mobile phones and tv’s. Catch me on the stoop, join the conversation and stay tuned for upcoming guests & friends. Never know who’s gonna pull up but one thing is always for sure…we spread love, it’s the Brooklyn way!

Romelle Archer

Founder 237Nplh

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Mission Why What

Mission; inspire and motivate. To show there is so much MORE in our community than what you see!
Why; thru our fellowship we want people to see there is so much more to our communities other than what they hear or see on the news
What; trying to inspire and motivate more of the youth by showing them people that look like us and are doing great things who are from the same community